How one student made $19,807 in 1 month
We often have students asking us how other Opentrader students are performing so they can have a standard to gauge themselves against. We usually answer, that while we’d love to provide this kind of benchmarking, it’s usually not possible to do so because we don’t have access to people’s brokerage statements.
However, recently a student by the name of Caryn sent us her brokerage statement, showing that she netted $19,807 in only one month. Her performance represented about a 33% return on her account (the TD Ameritrade monthly statement doesn’t show the initial account balance, which was around $60,000).
You can check out her brokerage statement below (click on the image for the full brokerage statement in PDF format).

FTC Disclaimer:
The results mentioned on this page have not officially been audited and are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone will achieve the same or similar results. It is possible that a person will not achieve the results described here or any positive results at all. And while the average statistics provided are based on all students who were trading real money accounts, the highlighted results and testimonials are meant to be a showcase of the best results the program has produced, and should not be taken as the results that every student will get.